Welcome To The Wapsie Valley Jr/Sr High School Counseling Page!
About Me:

My name is Kate Nitz. I was born and raised in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and currently reside in Shell Rock. My husband, Taylor Nitz, is a radio/sports host at KWAY Radio. You might have heard him calling games for Wapsie on the radio! I have four children, Emma (18), Carter (15), and Addie (5) and Niko (4 months).
I received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from The University of Northern Iowa, where I studied both
Criminology and Psychology. After graduating, I began my career working in the Human Services field in residential and community treatment programs for teenagers. My experiences working in this setting made me realize I wanted to spend my life working for both children and families. I went back to school and earned a Master of Arts degree in School Counseling. I have eleven years of experience as a School Counselor, which includes working with students in 6th through 12th grade.
In the fall of 2024 I completed the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program through the University of Northern Iowa and am now able to practice outside of the school setting. I am licensed through the state of Iowa and employed with The Olive Branch Counseling Services. If you would like your student to receive therapy services outside of school, please let me know.

My primary responsibility as a school counselor is to promote the academic, personal, and social development of all students. I look forward to offering support to the students, staff, families and Wapsie Valley community. I will be meeting with students individually and in small groups, conducting classroom lessons, meeting with parents, collaborating with teachers and staff, and consulting with community organizations to benefit and meet the needs of all Wapsie Valley students and families.
Any student can request to meet with me or they can be referred by a teacher, administrator, or parent. I
encourage you to reach out if you have concerns regarding your child. If you would like for me to meet with
your child please do not hesitate to contact me.

I Can Help Students With:
* Promoting positive attitudes among students towards self, family, peers and community.
* Assisting students in learning how school performance relates to future opportunities.
* Developing and delivering classroom guidance lessons that teach skills such as decision making, resolving conflict and respecting others.
* Working with students, parents and school staff to identify learning needs and to design interventions to enhance student success.
* Helping students to recognize and make the best of their abilities.
* Providing support during a personal crisis.
* Working with students on attendance issues.
* Coordinating referrals to outside agencies.
* Developing student career awareness.
* Helping to create a safe and positive learning experience.
* Selecting classes/ career options
* Selecting college/universities.
* Making friends
* Liking myself
* Getting along with others
* Parents' divorce
* Being a "new kid"
* Studying
* Bullying
* Learning and responsibility
* Death and dying
* Moving away
* Being honest
* Organization
* Drug and alcohol abuse
* College/Career Readiness