Welcome Juniors!
Things to Know/Do As A Junior
Look for Scholarships:
You apply for scholarships in your senior year, BUT you should begin looking for them now; some scholarships are given to students in 9th-12th grades. Below are some websites that will assist you in looking for scholarships. Please keep in mind that most of the scholarship money comes from the college and you must meet their criteria to apply. Your SAT/ACT scores are very important when applying for a scholarship. Most scholarships are interested in your character, leadership, community service, and extracurricular activities. Keep a calendar of all your community service - note what you did and how long you worked.
Bring your GPA up:
Colleges look at your classes and the grades you made in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade.
Colleges use your final GPA from your junior year when making admissions decisions, so this is your last chance to improve upon your GPA.
Grading Scale:
A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
D: 60-69
F: 59 and below
Important ACT Info For Juniors
Since 2020, colleges are 'test optional'. ACT or SAT tests are no longer required for admission.
All 11th graders planning on attending a 4 year college or university will need to take the SAT and/or the ACT for college admissions. We encourage students to try both tests before the end of their junior year and once you receive your scores, take a second test of the one you scored better on and felt most comfortable with. For any tests you choose to take, register on the sites below:
Not planning on going to a 4 year college or university????? The SAT and ACT can still benefit you! Community colleges can use any SAT or ACT scores you have to help with class placement in math and english college classes and could possibly waive you out of taking the community college placement test.
Planning For College?
Visit the link below for timelines and breakdowns of college readiness goals.